20,00 €

Bandari ya salama,

Take a deep breath, we’re heading East, straight to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
From its burgeoning but yet visionary creative scene, we gathered the best writers, photographers, creatives, designers, musicians and simply lovers of “Bongo” to bring you an OFF TO Mag’s edition tainted in blue and green.
This city has so many layers.

From forgotten pieces of the past, questions for tomorrow and stories of today,

Dar es Salaam seems to be more of a rare gemstone, waiting to see what the new generation is going to grind it into.

We’re doing our part by offering you a glimpse of the city with this exhibition, extracted from our 128 pages magazine representing stories from this haven of peace while powerfully

demonstrating the importance of self-telling.

Our Stories Matter, so join us on a Bajaji journey

We’ll guide you through the hustle and bustle of Dar’s city center to the shore of the Indian Ocean, witnessing the leftover strings of the colonial heritage

and see how History could not erase the peace from our ancestors' story.

Karibu kone, Karibu Dar es Salaam.

Remi Busch & Liz Gomis

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